Serving our community for over 100 years!

Who we are:
The GFWC Brunswick Woman's Club is a group of women volunteering together and raising funds to benefit the Golden Isles community in the areas of arts, conservation, education, home life, international and public affairs. To learn more about each of these programs, click on the Programs tab.
What we do:
GFWC (General Federation of Women's Clubs) Brunswick Woman's Club is a member club of the International Federation, which includes 3000 clubs in every state and over 12 countries and nearly 80,000 members.
The Brunswick club, over 106 years old, is dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.
Their charitable works include a Day of Service, where they have made improvements at Morningstar Children's Services, funding a nursing scholarship at the College of Coastal Georgia, and making band instrument refurbishment donations to both Glynn Academy and Brunswick High School.
This year they plan to work within the "Soldiers' Angels" program, sending letters and monthly care packages to a soldier deployed overseas.
They also support Honor Flight, Tallulah Falls School, Glynn Community Crisis Center, Grace House, Wreaths Across America, Humane Society of South Coastal Georgia, Days for Girls International, Golden Isles Arts and Humanities, One Hundred Miles, House of Hope, the STAR luncheon for the top SAT scoring student of each high school, and Second Harvest.
They supply fleece throws to young children entering shelters at Safe Harbor and make sewing kits and washing kits that are shipped to Haiti on mission trips.
The club has volunteer opportunities in five sub-committees: Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement, Education and Libraries, Environment, and Health and Wellness.
If you are interested in club membership, please email brunswickwc@gmail.com . Donations can be mailed to: GFWC Brunswick Woman's Club, PO Box 2908, Brunswick, GA 31521.
Where and when we meet:
We meet monthly from September through May on the second Wednesday of each month at the First United Methodist Church in downtown Brunswick, 1400 Norwich Street.
We welcome new members who enjoy volunteering and working with a group of enthusiastic women to improve our community. Click on the Membership tab to learn more.